Friday, February 22, 2008


You can now see what I look like in avatar form. It is pretty accurate, except maybe I am not that slim! As you can see, I have always loved libraries. I created this long before I worked in a library.....oops I mean Media Center.

Monday, February 18, 2008

President's Day

You just gotta love working at a school. The biggest bonus is you have the same schedule as your children. So as the rest of the world is working, I am at home, well....working. All of you stay-at-home moms know what I mean (It is not a picnic sitting on the couch and eating bon-bons and watching soap operas).

I don't know if anyone is actually reading this, but the only way to learn, is practice. OK, you can read the instructions too. See the name of the blog!


Friday, February 15, 2008

Thing 1

Well, this is my first attempt at creating a blog.......OK, well 2nd attempt, but we won't go there. I am eager to learn and apply all about technology and its application to the media center.